Why get certified:
Federal, state ,local government and many private corporations give a minimum amount of business (through set asides, preferences, goals) to certain types of businesses. Being in a certain category gives your business an advantage when bidding on many government and private sector contracts-either directly or through prime contractors for subcontracting opportunities.
Types of certifications
Certifications which can help you get government contracts (as prime contractor) or help you subcontract with prime contractors:
Federal (general info) www.sba.gov/contracting
Small business www.sam.gov/portal
Small disadvantaged business: www.sba.gov/contracting (go to small disadvantaged business)
Veteran owned business: www.va.gov/osdbu/verification
Service disabled veteran owned business www.sba.gov/contracting- go to sdvob
8A certification www.sba.gov/contracting (go to 8A)
HUD Section 3 certification https://portalapps.hud.gov/Sec3BusReg
HUB Zone Certification www.sba.gov/contracting (go to hubzone)
Woman owned: www.ny.gov/services/business
Minority owned: www.ny.gov/services/business
Service disabled veteran owned: www.ogs.ny.gov/Core/SDVOBA.asp
Nassau County www.nassaucountyny.gov/1739/vendorcertification
Minority owned
Woman owned
Also, see other government entities, agencies such as
NYC: www.nyc.gov/getcertified
MTA: web.mta.info/mta/procurement/d-m-wbe.htm
PANYNJ: www.panynj.gov/business-opportunities/sd-become-certified.html
Private companies such as Fortune 1000, Fortune 500 companies look to do business with certain types of companies-minority/woman/veteran owned for example. Some of these private sector corporations do in house certifications. Many work with intermediaries who do the certifications:
National Minority Supplier Development Council (certifies minority owned companies): www.nmsdc.org
NYNJ Minority Supplier Development Council (certifies minority owned companies): www.nynjmsdc.org
NWBOC: (certifies women owned businesses for private corporations & certifies veteran owned businesses for US Government): www.nwboc.org
WBENC (certifies women owned businesses): www.wbenc.org